Medical Literature
"The absence of a tape policy or standard from any of the institutions we surveyed, along with the lack of national guidelines, suggests a widespread lack of knowledge and underappreciation of the risk posed by adhesive tape used on patients."
A gap in patient tape storage and use practices puts patients at risk for cutaneous fungal infections.
McClusky J, Davis M, Dahl K.
American Journal of Infection Control. 2015;43(2):182-184.
"Furthermore, there were similar rates of contamination in both groups (single vs double-gloved) for the laryngoscope... and the roll of tape used to secure the ETT."
Quantifying the rambunctious journey of the anesthesia provider's hands during simulated, routine care.
Biddle C, Robinson K, Pike B, et al.
American Journal of Infection Control. 2016;44(8):873-878.
"...earlier observations by our group disclosed the fact that objects that fall onto the floors are frequently placed back either on horizontal work surfaces or on patients themselves."
Decreasing operating room environmental pathogen contamination through improved cleaning practice.
Munoz-Price LS, Birnbach DJ, Lubarsky DA, et al.
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 2012;33(9):897-904.
"When the anesthesia provider secures the tube, the tape touches the patient's mouth, leading to the probability of contamination when the same roll is used on the next patient."
Use of a double gloving technique to decrease cross-contamination by anesthesia providers.
Jaffe G, Moriber N.
AANA Journal. 2019;87(4):307-312.
"Research concludes that the current taping practice is a high-risk practice."
Changing endotracheal tube taping practice: an evidence-based practice project.
Krug L, Machan MD, Villalba J.
AANA Journal. 2016;84(4):261-270.
"A small, structured intervention along with attention to a clean anesthesia environment can dramatically affect the amount of contamination in the anesthesia environment over the course of a case."
Decreasing contamination of the anesthesia environment.
Clark C, Taenzer A, Charette K, Whitty M.
American Journal of Infection Control. 2014;42(11):1223-1225.
"In general anesthesia, following induction and immediate loss of consciousness and lid reactivity, the eyes should be taped shut preferably from upper lid down, making sure that the eyelids are properly apposed... Removal of the occlusive tape of the eye at the end of surgery should be gentle and preferably from the upper eyelid to the lower."
Anesthesia may predispose patients to corneal abrasions.
Okwuone, CO.
APSF Newsletter. 2005;20(3):56.